Hi, I'm Vinicius from Earth! 🖖
From Earth, born and raised in Brazil currently located in Berlin.
Web developer with an interest in new technologies and maps.
Video stream page controlled by hand gestures using TensorFlow and Javascript native tools.
Show me the code →Authenticated-To-Do
An authenticated Todo app that uses Next.js, Airtable, Tailwind CSS, and Auth0.
Show me the code →SyncCalendar
A web app that allows a user to see all their collaborators' calendars with their names, task list and associated time zone.
Show me the code →Game-Dashboard
Dashboard using React 18, Material-UI, Nivo Charts, FullCalendar, Formik and Yup
Show me the code →H.app.y-Web
Web App that displays nearby orphanages with open time and date. User can add info as well.
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